segunda-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2009


One of the things Ford Prefect had always found hardest to understand about humans was their habit of continually stating and repeating the very very obvious, as in It's a nice day, You're very tall, or Oh dear you seem to have fallen down a thirty-foot well, are you all right? At first Ford had formed a theory to account for this strange behavior. If human beings don't keep exercising their lips, he thought, their mouths probably seize up. After a few months' consideration and observation he abandoned this theory in favor of a new one. If they don't keep on exercising their lips, he thought, their brains start working. After a while he abandoned this one as well as being obstructively cynical and decided he quite liked human beings after all, but he always remained desperately worried about the terrible number of things they didn't know about.

sexta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2009

When you're a 27-year-old dad, husband, rock star and offbeat semanticist (documented in the "Are we human or are we dancer?" linguistic controversy), your schedule doesn't allow for much wiggle room. Citing weekday "rehearsals", Killers frontman Brandon Flowers called us up on a Sunday to chat about his latest album, Day & Age, villainous facial hair and his contrarian stance concerning the new-wave canon.

So are you guys really rehearsing or just playing Rock Band?
I still haven't gotten into the phenomenon of Rock Band. I'm not much of a guitar player.
But you're from outside of Vegas, so I know you have a favorite casino game.
I'm a blackjack man. I also worked at the Gold Coast as a bellman and at Caesars Palace as a busboy.
During your breaks, were you allowed to go onto the floor and play the slots?
No, the breaks were never long enough. I never smoked until I was a busboy, because that was the only way you could get a break. Bad decision.
But it makes you look so cool! Are you still smoking?
I'm trying my best to stop.
Aren’t Mormons not supposed to drink or smoke?
Nope. [Laughs] I haven't drank in a while, actually. It's not a strange idea - most religions can be like that.
So you're not a fundamentalist, but do you have the special underpants?
I don't. What's frustrating about that is you hear people say magic or secret, but it's more that they're sacred. People look too much into it. It's not as weird as Bill Maher would like you to think.
Another sartorial inquiry: what's up with the eyeliner?
I hadn't put it on in a long time, and I put it on the other day - we made the "Spaceman" video, our second single - and it felt good. The first time I wore it, I was 13 and I was going to see The Cure on the Wild Mood Swings tour. My sister's friend was really into The Cure and I went with her and my brother; she took me into her bathroom and laid it on me. I was a very uncool 13-year-old, and when I went to that concert I felt like I belonged. It was a good moment. It's nothing that I do every day, but later on, David Bowie became a part of my life, so I guess that didn't hurt.
You're a big Joy Division/New Order fan, too.
I'm a bigger New Order fan than Joy Division fan; I also prefer Morrissey to the Smiths, which I guess is also sacrilegious. I have a good New Order story: I was driving with Bernard Sumner in Manchester - which was totally surreal - when my wife called me and told me that we were having our baby. So that'll be a cool story for my son when he's older.
You guys were on The O.C. Do you have plans to continue with the teenage-girl theme and perform on Gossip Girl?
I don't know what Gossip Girl is.
It's some hit show that girls watch. I don't really know either. Really.
I think we scared all the girls off with the facial hair from Sam's Town.
I was disappointed to see you shaved that mustache. You rivaled Hall of Fame pitcher Rollie Fingers!
Oh, I'm sorry. There haven't been any great young mustache men, have there? My wife preferred it, and I did too. But we wrote these songs and I just thought that the person who sings "Human" doesn't wear a mustache, and that's when I decided to let it go.
You got nailed in the press for saying Sam’s Town was one of the best records of the past 20 years. I just wanted to give you some space for another outrageous statement. Shoot for the moon, Flowers.
We are skydiving wizards, and the difference between wizards and magicians is that the magic is real. That's what I believe about the Killers, and eventually we're gonna hammer away at people's heads until it's just undeniable. I promise.

Faz tempo que queria postar uma entrevista com o Brandon, e realmente gostei dessa pro Time Out New York. Às vezes eu entendo porque o amo tanto, haha. E eu adoro as outrageous statements :)

Cheeeeega de desânimo! Tô com muita vontade de escrever muito aqui, então, depois desses 20 dias de silêncio, vai ter overdose de posts hahaha
Tô chateada ainda e provavelmente isso não vai mudar por um tempo, mas agora é tocar a bola pra frente e me preparar pra fazer tuuudo de novo. E muito melhor, desta vez x)